Book Chapters:

“Chapter 7: Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal”,
Operations of Nutrient Removal Facilities, Manual of Practice 37
(2013), Water Environment Federation, ISBN-13: 978-1572782761
Real, M. I. H., Redwan, A., Shourov, M. M. R., Azam, H., &
Majed, N. (2019). Heavy Metal Contamination in Environmental
Compartments of Buriganga River in Dhaka City. In Global Civil
Engineering Conference (pp. 1455-1466). Springer, Singapore,
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-8016-6
Islam M. A. S., Ashiquzzaman M., Utshab A.S., Majed N. (2022)
Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Residential Building
Materials: A Case Study. In: Malik J.A., Marathe S. (eds)
Ecological and Health Effects of Building Materials. Springer,
Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-76073-1_30
- Alam, M., & Majed, N. (2022). Evaluating the Trend of Urban
Heat Island Impacted by Land Use in Dhaka City: Toward
Sustainable Urban Planning. In Resilient and Responsible Smart
Cities (pp. 165-175). Springer, Cham.
Majed, N., Khan, M., Chowdhury, M., Reza, A., & Saeed, T. F.
(2022). Toward Environmental Sustainability: Waste Management
and Leachate Treatment Through Natural Applications. In
Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities (pp. 177-184). Springer,
News Paper Article
- Majed, N., Jamal, G. R. A. and Kabir M.
R. (2020), Online Education: Bangladesh Perspective, Challenges
and Way Forward, The Daily Star, 28 July 2020. https://www.the
- Majed, N. (2021), Can we predict the
unpredictability of re-experiencing education facing post
Covid-19 challenges?, The Daily Star, 27 April, 2021.
- Majed, N. (2021), Perspectives on the
Visions of Agami Education Foundation, The Daily Star, August
12, 2021.
- Majed, N. (2022), There is only one
earth: Celebration of World Environment Day 2022 at Agami
Education Foundation” The Daily Star, June 16, 2022.
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- Islam, A. S., Hossain, M. E., Nahar, K., & Majed, N. (2023).
Assessment of Environmental Hazard and Heavy Metal Contamination
in Dhaleshwari River Sediment: A Toxicity based Study on
Pollution. Pollution, 9(1), 67-83.
- Saeed, T., Zaman, T., Miah, M. J., Yadav, A. K., & Majed, N.
(2023). Organic media-based two-stage traditional and
electrode-integrated tidal flow wetlands to treat landfill
leachate: Influence of aeration strategy and plants. Journal of
Environmental Management, 330, 117253.
- Majed, N., Islam, M. A. S. (2022). Contaminant Discharge
from Outfalls and Subsequent Aquatic Ecological Risks in The
River Systems in Dhaka City: Extent of Waste Load Contribution
in Pollution. Frontiers in Public Health, 1094.
- Saeed, T., Majed, N., Miah, M. J., & Yadav, A. K. (2022). A
comparative landfill leachate treatment performance in normal
and electrodes integrated hybrid constructed wetlands under
unstable pollutant loadings. Science of The Total Environment,
- Saeed, T., Majed, N., Yadav, A. K., Hasan, A., & Miah, M. J.
(2022). Constructed wetlands for drained wastewater treatment
and sludge stabilization: Role of plants, microbial fuel cell
and earthworm assistance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 430,
- Islam, M. A. S, Hossain, M. E., & Majed, N. (2021).
Assessment of Physicochemical Properties and Comparative
Pollution Status of the Dhaleshwari River in Bangladesh. Earth
(MDPI), 2(4), 696-714.
- Saeed, T., Alam, M. K., Miah, M. J., & Majed, N. (2021).
Removal of heavy metals in subsurface flow constructed wetlands:
Application of effluent recirculation. Environmental and
Sustainability Indicators, 100146.
- Majed, N, Real, M. I. H., Redwan, A. and Azam, H. M. (2021).
How dynamic is the heavy metals pollution in the Buriganga River
of Bangladesh? A spatiotemporal assessment based on
environmental indices. International Journal of Environmental
Science and Technology, 1-20 Article DOI:
10.1007/s13762-021-03434-8 [available at].
- Saeed, T., Miah, M. J., Majed, N., Alam, M. K., & Khan, T.
(2021). Effect of effluent recirculation on nutrients and
organics removal performance of hybrid constructed wetlands:
landfill leachate treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 282,
- Majed, N., & Gu, A. Z. (2020). Phenotypic dynamics in
polyphosphate and glycogen accumulating organisms in response to
varying influent C/P ratios in EBPR systems. Science of The
Total Environment, 743, 14063.
- Wang, D., He, P., Wang, Z., Li, G., Majed, N., & Gu, A. Z.
(2020). Advances in single cell Raman spectroscopy technologies
for biological and environmental applications. Current Opinion
in Biotechnology, 64, 218-229.
- Alam, M. K., Uddin, M. A., Satter, M. F., & Majed, N.
(2020), “Seasonal variation of water quality and waste loads in
Buriganga river with GIS visualization”, Bangladesh Journal of
Industrial and Scientific Research, 55(2), 113-130.
- Saeed, T., Miah, M. J., Majed, N., Hasan, M., & Khan, T.
(2020). Pollutant removal from landfill leachate employing
two-stage constructed wetland mesocosms: co-treatment with
municipal sewage. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
27, 28316-28332.
- Majed, N., Alam, M. K., Real, M. I. H. and Khan, M. S.
(2019), “Accumulation of Copper and Zinc Metals from Water in
Anabus Testudeneous Fish Species in Bangladesh”, Aquaculture
Studies, 19(2), 92-102.
- Onnis-Hayden, A., Majed, N., Li, Y., Rahman, S. M., Drury,
D., Risso, L., and Gu, A. Z. (2019) “Impact of Sludge Residence
Time (SRT) on Functionally Relevant Microbial Populations and
Performance in Full-scale in Enhanced Biological Phosphorus
Removal (EBPR) Systems”, Water Environment Research, 92(3),
389-402. [Outstanding paper of 2020 by WEF]
- Saeed, T., Majed, N., Khan, T., & Mallika, H. (2019).
Two-stage constructed wetland systems for polluted surface water
treatment. Journal of environmental management, 249, 109379.
- Real, M. I. H., Azam, H. M. and Majed, N. (2017),
“Consumption of Heavy Metal Contaminated Foods and Associated
Risks in Bangladesh”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
189:651. doi: 10.1007/s10661-017-6362-z
- Majed, N., Real, M. I. H., Akter, M. and Azam, H. M. (2016),
“Food Adulteration and Bio-Magnification of Environmental
Contaminants: A Comprehensive Risk Framework for Bangladesh”,
Front. Environ. Sci. 4:34. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00034
- Majed, N., Li, Y. and Gu, A.Z. (2012), “Advances in
Techniques for Phosphorus Analysis in Biological Sources”,
Current Opinion in Biotechnology,23: 852-859.
- Majed, N., Chernenko, T., Diem, M. and Gu, A.Z. (2012),
“Identification of functionally Relevant Populations in Enhanced
Biological Phosphorus Removal Processes Based on Intracellular
Polymers Profiles and Insights into Metabolic Diversity and
Heterogeneity”, Environmental Science and Technology, 46(9),
- Majed, N. and Gu, A. Z. (2010), “Application of Raman
Microscopy for Simultaneous and Quantitative Evaluation of
Multiple Intracellular Polymers Dynamics Functionally Relevant
to Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Processes”,
Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 8601-8608.
- Majed, N., Matthaus, C., Diem, M. and Gu, A. Z. (2009)
“Evaluation of Intracellular Polyphosphate Dynamics in Enhanced
Biological Phosphorus Process Using Raman Microscopy”,
Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 4436-5442.
- Bucci, V., Majed, N., Hellweger, F. and Gu, A. Z. (2012),
“Heterogeneity of Intracellular Polymer Storage States in
Microbial Populations Relevant to Enhanced Biological Phosphorus
Removal Processes: Observation and Modeling”, Environmental
Science and Technology, 46(6), 3244-3252.
- Schuler, A., Majed, N., Bucci, V., Hellweger, F. L., Tu, Y.
and Gu, A. Z. (2010), “Is the Whole Sum of its Parts? Agent
based Modeling of Wastewater Treatment Systems”, Water Science
&Technology 63(8), 1590-1598.
- Onnis-Hayden, A., Majed, N. and Gu, A.Z. (2011), “Process
Optimization by Decoupled Control of Key Microbial Populations:
Distributions of Activities and Abundance of Functionally
Relevant Populations in a full-scale IFAS-EBPR Process” Water
Research 45(13), 3845-3854.
Conference Proceedings/ Posters/Presentations:
- Islam, M. A. S., Majed, N., and Saeed T. (2023),
“Application of Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in
a Developing Country: Roles and Impacts” Proceedings of the 11th
International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment
(IPWE 2023), Dhaka, Bangladesh and Reston, VA, USA, January 4-6,
- Sadi, S. A., and Majed, N. (2023), “Addressing Water Energy
Nexus in Barapukuriya Thermal Power Plant” Proceedings of the
11th International Perspective on Water Resources and the
Environment (IPWE 2023), Dhaka, Bangladesh and Reston, VA, USA,
January 4-6, 2023.
- Saikat. M.H.R., Islam, M. A. S., and Majed, N. (2022),
“Characterization of Pollutant Discharge from Outfalls in The
Buriganga River and Subsequent Aquatic Ecological Risks”
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in
Civil Engineering (ICACE-2022), 21-23 December 2022, Hybrid
- Majed, N. (2022), “Pursuit of Agile Transformation in the
Attainment of Learning Outcomes in Civil Engineering Courses: A
Case Study in Bangladesh” IN4OBE Global Virtual Summit 2022
(August 12 – 14), Track 2: Computing, Engineering and
Technology, Theme 1: Models of Learning – Moving from Principles
to Practices, Topic 3: Implementing Effective Instructional
Strategies (Best Parallel Session Presentation Award of
- Majed, N. (2022), “Making Higher Education Relevant: Agile
Teaching Learning Practices and Engineering Attributes in
Graduates” Proceedings of the 5th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd
Civil Engineering Congress (IEB Conference), July 2022, BUET,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Sadi, S. and Majed, N. (2022), “Addressing Water Energy
Nexus in Kaptai Hydropower Plant, Bangladesh” Proceedings of the
5th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd Civil Engineering Congress (IEB
Conference), July 2022, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Sattar, S., Rahman, F. and Majed, N. (2022), “Evaluating the
Carbon Footprint in the Residential Sector of Bangladesh”
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd Civil
Engineering Congress (IEB Conference), July 2022, BUET, Dhaka,
- Rahman, T., Islam, M. A. S, Anim, M. S. T. and Majed, N.
(2022), “Seasonal Variation of Physicochemical Water Quality
Parameters of Turag River and Tongi Canal” Proceedings of the
5th Annual Paper Meet and 2nd Civil Engineering Congress (IEB
Conference), July 2022, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Islam, M. A. S., Hossain, M. E. and Majed, N. (2022),
“Performance Evaluation of Common Effluent Treatment Plant
(CETP) at Savar Tannery Area” Proceedings of the 5th Annual
Paper Meet and 2nd Civil Engineering Congress (IEB Conference),
July 2022, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Majed, N (2021), “Wastewater Disposal and Management in City
Environment: How to Contribute Towards Sustainable Bio economy?”
Berlin Science Week 2021, Global Food Summit: Foodtropolis -
urban, circular, food, climate change and innovation, November
5, 2021 [Virtual presentation].
- Majed, N. (2021), “Agile Teaching and Learning Method in
Undertaking the Challenges in Engineering Course Feedback”,
INSTEAD VII Workshop on Innovative Teaching Methodologies for
Math Courses on Engineering Degrees, Organized by Instituto
Superior de Engeharia do Porto (ISEP), 5 July, 2021 [Virtual
- Majed, N., Rahman, M. H., Islam, M. A. S. (2021), “Seasonal
variation of water quality parameters with analytical study on
water quality index of Buriganga river”, 8th International
Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), March
29-31, 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh [Virtual presentation].
- Islam, M. A. S., Hossain, M. E., Musaddik, T., Das, S. and
Majed, N. (2021), “Study of the hydrochemistry and pollution
status of Dhaleshwari river”, 8th International Conference on
Water and Flood Management (ICWFM 2021), March 29-31, 2021,
Dhaka, Bangladesh [Virtual presentation].
- Majed, N. (2021), “Agile Teaching and Learning Method in
Engineering Course Feedback: How holistic is the experience?”,
2nd Agile in Education Global Virtual Conference: Transforming
Education through Innovative Solutions”, Organized by Agile in
Education in USA (AiEUSA), 18-21 March, 2021 [Virtual
- Majed, N. and Alam, M. K. (2019), “Industrial expansion
versus environmental sustenance in Dhaka city: Assessing the
impacts and challenges towards reaching a break-even point” 9th
IIMS International Conference, 1-3 December, 2019, Hanoi,
- Alam, M. K. and Majed, N. (2019), “Evaluating the trend of
urban heat island impacted by land use in Dhaka city: towards
sustainable urban planning”, Future Smart Cities 2nd Edition,
IEREK conference, 5-7 November, 2019, Kualalampur, Malaysia.
- Majed, N., Khan, M. T., Chowdhury, M. A. R. and Saeed, T.
(2019), “Towards Environmental Sustainability: Waste management
and leachate treatment through natural application”, Future
Smart Cities 2nd Edition, IEREK conference, 5-7 November, 2019,
Kualalampur, Malaysia.
- Alam, M. K., Hossain, S. and Majed. N. (2019), “Exploring
the variability pattern of temperature and rainfall if different
regions of Bangladesh: A study ranging 20 years’ span”,
International Conference on Disaster Risk Management, ICDRM
2019, BUET-JIDPUS, January, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Mia, M. R. and Majed, N. (2018), “Municipal Solid Waste
Management Practices in Dhaka City: An Evaluation based on Life
Cycle Assessment”, 4d International Conference on Advances in
Civil Engineering, December, 2018, Chittagong University of
Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Majed, N. and Kapadia, A. (2018), “Evaluating the
Coagulation Potential of Different River Water Samples of Dhaka
City”, ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress
2018, 3-7 June, 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- Majed, N. and Chawdhury, M. R. I. (2018), “The Story of
Turag River: How Severe is the Pollution?”, ASCE World
Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018, 3-7 June, 2018,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- Real, M. I. H., Redwan, A., Shourov, M. R., Azam, H. M. and
Majed, N. (2017), “Heavy Metal Contamination of Environmental
Compartments of Buriganga River in Dhaka City”, Global Civil
Engineering Conference 2017, 25-28 July, Kualalampur, Malaysia.
(Best Paper Award in the division of Water and Environmental
Engineering Division).
- Majed, N., Isreq, M. I. H., Shourov, M. and Rabbi, M. F.
(2016), “Assessment of Water Quality in the Peripheral Rivers
along Dhaka City: Spatial and Temporal Variation”, 8th
International Civil Engineering Congress, 23-24 December, 2016,
Karachi, Pakistan.
- Rabbi, M. F., Uddin, Z., Ahmed, M and Majed, N. (2016),
“Pollution Status of Turag River: Spatial and Temporal Variation
of Water Quality”, 3rd International Conference on Advances in
Civil Engineering, 21-23 December, 2016, Chittagong University
of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Rabbi, M. F., Uddin, F. Z. and Majed, N. (2016), “Pollution
Status of Peripheral Rivers along Dhaka City: Spatial and
Temporal Characterization”, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering
Summit, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
- Sagar, S. M., Hoque, K. A. and Majed, N. (2016), “Waste to
Resource: A visionary Approach for Pagla Sewage Treatment
Plant”, 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering Summit, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology. [poster]
- Majed, N., Saqueeb, M. N. and Islam, M. T. (2015), “Ranking
of Slum Areas in Dhaka City based on Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene Practices”, Sanitation Conference: “Journey to Zero”,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 3-4 October, 2015.
- Onnis-Hayden, A., Majed, N., Drury, D., Risso, L., Mcmahon,
K. D. and Gu, A. Z. (2013) “Effect of Sludge Residence Time on
Phosphorus Removal Activities and Populations in Enhanced
Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) Systems” 86th Annual Water
Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference,
Chicago, Illinois, October 2013.
- Majed, N. and Gu, A.Z. (2011), “Insights into the Metabolic
Pathways and Diversity of Functionally Relevant Populations in
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process using Raman
Microscopy”, 84th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical
Exhibition and Conference, Los Angeles , California, October
- Majed. N., and Gu, A. Z. (2011), “Evaluation of Enhanced
Biological Phosphorus Removal Process Involving Intracellular
Storage Polymers using Raman Microscopy”, New England Water
Environment Association Annual Conference and Exhibition 2011,
Boston, MA, January 2011.
- Majed, N., Matthaus, C., Diem, M. and Gu, A. Z. (2010), “
Raman Microscopic Evaluation of Intracellular Polymers Reveals
Metabolic States of Microbes Involved in Enhanced Biological
Phosphorus Removal Process”, IWA/World Water Congress and
Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, September 19-24, 2010.
- Majed, N., Du, Y. and Gu, A.Z. (2010), “Analysis of
Phosphorus Fractions in EBPR process and Metabolic Link with
Polyphosphate”, 83rd Annual Water Environment Federation
Technical Exhibition and Conference, New Orleans , Louisiana,
October 2010.
- Schuler, A., Majed, N., Bucci, V., Hellweger, F. L., Tu, Y.
and Gu, A. Z. (2010), “Is the Whole Sum of its Parts? Agent
based Modelling of Wastewater Treatment Systems”, 2nd IWA/WEF
Wastewater Treatment Modeling Seminar, Mont-Sainte-Anne, QC,
Canada, March 28-30, 2010.
- Majed, N., Onnis-Hayden, A., and Gu, A. Z. (2010),
“Abundance and Distribution of Activities of Different
Populations in an Advanced IFAS-EBPR-MBR system”, IWA Leading
Edge Technologies Conference, Arizona, 2010. [poster]
- Majed, N., Matthaus, C., Diem, M. and Gu, A. Z. (2009)
“Evaluation of Intracellular Polyphosphate Distribution in the
PAOs using Raman Microscopy”, 82nd Annual Water Environment
Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Orlando,
Florida, October 2009.
- Gu, A. Z., Majed, N., Benisch, M. and Neethling, J. B
(2009). “Fractionation and Treatability Assessment of Phosphorus
in Wastewater Effluents - Implications on Meeting Stringent
Limits”, 82nd Annual Water Environment Federation Technical
Exhibition and Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 2009.
- Majed, N., Onnis-Hayden, A., Welander, T. and Gu, A. Z.
(2009), “Decoupling and Optimization of both P and N Removal in
an Advanced IFAS-EBPR-MBR System”, Nutrient Removal 09
Conference, Washington DC, June 2009.
- Majed, N., Onnis-Hayden, A., Christensson, M., Welander, T.
and Gu, A. Z. (2009), “Experience with Lab-scale IFAS-EBPR-MBR
system for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal”, New England Water
Environment Association Annual Conference and Exhibition, 2009,
Boston, MA, January 2009. [poster]
- Majed, N., Matthäus, C., Diem, M. and Gu, A. Z., Application
of Raman Microscopy in the Evaluation of Poly-phosphate Granules
in PAOs,IWA- Specialized conference on microbial population
dynamics in biological wastewater treatment ASPD 5, 2009
Aalborg, Denmark, May 24-27, 2009.
- Majed, N., Onnis-Hayden, A., Christensson, M., Welander, T.
and Gu, A. Z. (2008), “Simultaneous Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Removal in an Advanced IFAS-EBPR-MBR system”, New England Water
Works Association Spring Joint Regional Conference and
Exhibition 2008, Worcester, MA, April 2008. [poster]
- Majed, N., Onnis-Hayden, A., Christensson, M., Welander, T.
and Gu, A. Z. (2008), “Phosphorous Removal Kinetics and
Operational Issues with a Lab Scale Advanced IFAS-EBPR-MBR
Process”, 81st Annual Water Environment Federation Technical
Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 2008.
- Onnis-Hayden, A., Majed, N., Mcmahon, K. D. and Gu, A. Z.
(2008) “Phosphorus Removal and PAOs Populations at a Full-Scale
Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Plant.” 81st
Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and
Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 2008.
- Litman, M. R., Majed, N. and Gu, A. Z. (2008) “Specific
Availability of Wastewater-Derived Refractory Dissolved Organic
Nitrogen (rDON) to Eutrophying Algae Selenastrumcapricornutum
and Anabaena variabilisATCC 29413”, 81st Annual Water
Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference,
Chicago, Illinois, October 2008.
- Majed, N. and Rahman, M. M. (2003), “Observation of lake
water condition in Dhaka city”, [Published in the proceeding of
2nd annual paper meet and International Conference on Civil
Engineering (2003)]
- Majed, N. and Rahman, M. M. (2003), “Noise Pollution in
Dhaka City”, [Published in the proceeding of 2nd annual paper
meet and International Conference on Civil Engineering (2003)]
- Majed, N. and Rahman, M. M. (2002), “Observation and
analysis of lake water condition in Dhaka city”, [Published in
the proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Bangladesh
Environment (2002)].
- Majed, N. and Rahman, M. M. (2002), “Urban environment
health hazard: Dengue”,[Published in the proceeding of 2nd
International Conference on Bangladesh Environment (2002)].
“Investigation on Laboratory scale
Integrated fixed film Activated Sludge – Enhanced Biological
Phosphorus Removal – Membrane Bioreactor process (IFAS-EBPR-MBR) for
simultaneous removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus”. Submitted to
AnoxKaldnes Inc. (Now Veolia Water Solutions and Technology),
Sweden. (Submitted in 2008))
“Food Contamination, Aquatic Pollution and
Bio-magnification – Bangladesh Perspective (Phase-I)” – Submitted to
Institute of Energy, Environment, Research and Development (IEERD)
at University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Submitted in
“Heavy Metals in Staple Foods, Food Chain
Bio-magnification and associated risks – Bangladesh Perspective
(Phase – 2 of previous)” Funded by Institute of Energy, Environment,
Research and Development (IEERD) at University of Asia Pacific.
(Submitted in 2017))
“Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid
Waste Management Practices and Effluent Treatment Plants of Textile
Industries in Dhaka City” (Phase – 1)” Funded by Institute of
Energy, Environment, Research and Development (IEERD) at University
of Asia Pacific. (Submitted in 2018))
“Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid
Waste Management Practices (Phase -2): Analysis and Treatment of
landfill leachate from municipal solid waste landfill” Funded by
Institute of Energy, Environment, Research and Development (IEERD)
at University of Asia Pacific. (Submitted in 2020))
“Documentation of Online Teaching Learning
Experience at University of Asia Pacific”, Authored as the convener
of the subcommittee at University of Asia Pacific. (Submitted in
Workshop on “Reverse Engineering” organized
by Institute of Appropriate Technology (IAT), BUET (29 May, 2003 – 1
June, 2003))
Specialized course on “Arsenic Contamination
in Bangladesh” organized by ITN-Bangladesh (2 – 7 August, 2003))
Training workshop on “Water Supply and Solid
Waste Management” at BUET (11 January, 2004))
Training programme on “Environment and
Environmental Law” organized by Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers
Association (BELA) (17-22 January, 2004))
Short course on “Sustainable Wastewater
Treatment and Reuse” in UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands (26 April
– 13 May, 2005))
Training of Trainer’s Course at GIZ
Bangladesh (24 – 26 July, 2012))
Training on “Ecology and Effluent Treatment
in Textile Production, Dyeing & Finishing of Knitwear” by National
Institute of Textile Training Research and Design (NITTRAD), Savar,
Dhaka (2 – 9 September, 2012))
Workshop on “Outcome Based Education”
(Co-ordinated by Mentors from BEM, Malaysia) organized by Board of
Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE),
Bangladesh, Institution of Engineers, Dhaka ( 31 October, 2016))
Training on “Implementation of Outcome Based
Education” (Co-ordinated by Mentors from BEM, Malaysia) by Board of
Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE),
Bangladesh, BRAC-CDM Rajendrapur, Dhaka (9-11 December, 2016))
Workshop on “Outcome Based Education”
(Co-ordinated by Evaluators) organized by Board of Accreditation for
Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Bangladesh, Institution
of Engineers, Dhaka (19-20 December, 2016 and 4 January, 2017))
Workshop on “Outcome Based Accreditation and
Evidence based On-site Assessment during Accreditation Visits”
organized by Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical
Education (BAETE), Bangladesh, Institution of Engineers, Dhaka (17
and 19 October, 2017))
Workshop on “Are your online students
engaged?” organized by Institute of Development of Online Learning,
Dhaka (August 8, 10, 12, 2020))
Online Course on “Winning Bids for City-Wide
Inclusive Sanitation: Principles and Application” organized by
ITN-BUET (Bangladesh), ENPHO (Nepal) and EAWAG (Switzerland) (Jan 13
– Feb 03, 2021))
Online workshop on “Program Evaluators’
Training on OBE based accreditation of Engineering curriculum”
organized by Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical
Education (BAETE), Bangladesh, Institution of Engineers, Dhaka (8 –
11 Feb, 2021))
Workshop on “How can we Assess our Online
Students?” organized by Institute of Development of Online Learning,
Dhaka (August 29, 2021))
· Life Member of the Institution of Engineers (IEB), Bangladesh
· Life Member of the American Alumni Association (AAA),
· Life Member of Women Architects, Engineers, Planners
Association (WAEPA), Bangladesh
· Life Member, Agami Education Foundation (Sister organization of
Agami Inc., USA), Bangladesh
· Founder Member and Life Fellow, Bangladesh Society for Private
University Academics (BSPUA), Bangladesh