On Tuesday (24 July 2018) evening, a seminar on " Race for Humanity: Overview of Rohingya Response Activities " was held at Civil Engineering Department as part of UAP CE SEMINAR SERIES.
Dabaraj Dey, Project Engineer (Site Development), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, was the guest speaker. He is a graduate of Civil Engineering department of University of Asia pacific.
He depicted the existing challenges of the Kutubpalong-Balukhali Rohingya Camp from the aspect of a Civil Engineer. He delineated roles of different NGOs and other organizations that are working together to ensure water safety, sanitation and hygiene practices among the Rohingya community. His presentation also included types of shelter, footbridges and soil retention measures that are being used temporarily as no permanent structure is currently allowed in the camp.
The hour-long seminar ended in a Q&A session.