A seminar on "A
sustainable community-based approach with tidal river sediment
management in the south-west region of the Bangladesh delta"
was held at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Asia
Pacific on 24th August, 2023.
Guest speaker, Mr. Hassan Abdullah Rafath, Program Monitoring &
Evaluation Manager, Climate Change and Water Governance Program,
Uttaran, showcased his idea on a sustainable community-based
approach at that seminar.
On the seminar, Mr. Hassan Abdullah Rafath gave a brief overview
of the rivers, and coastal tidal flood plain of the south-east region
of Bangladesh before the audience. He also discussed many demerits of
deposition of tidal sediment on the floodplain which leads to great
suffering for the people living in that region. Then he presented an
idea named TSRM (Tidal River Sediment Management Mechanism) as a
sustainable community-based approach for river management. He also
discussed many advantages of the TSRM.
The Q/A session was very interactive where
the guest speaker answered the queries came from the audience and
discussed some of the aspects of this idea.
The session ended with a concluding speech by Associate Professor Ematzul Haque, Department of Civil Engineering, by which he enlightened us with many aspects regarding floodplains, sediment, etc.
The guest speaker was awarded with a crest
from Dr. Nehreen Majed and Associate Professor Emtazul Haque as a
token of appreciation. Some of the photographs from the seminar are
attached hereby.