Applications are invited from the students of 3-2, 4-1 and 4-2 semesters based on the results of 3-1, 3-2 and 4-1 semesters of Department of Architecture & Department of Civil Engineering for Al Haj Abdul Malek Mollah Scholarship for Spring 2018 Semester. Application should reach to the Registrar’s Office by Tuesday, 15 May, 2018.
To be eligible for receiving the scholarship, a student must have:
● Recommendation from his /her advisor for the scholarship
● Has to be regular. No Semester drops/fail in any subject will be entertained. However, any break-of study that is beyond the control of the student will not be treated as ‘break of studies’ for the purpose awarding scholarship
● Blank record of academic dishonesty
● Blank record of any breach of discipline
● GPA of 3.5 in semester for which s/he applies for scholarship
● Involvement with at least 1 (one) extra-curricular activities through various clubs of UAP