Last date of application for Merit based waiver, Siblings waiver, Freedom Fighter quota waiver is 22 April, 2018 and for VC’s Special waiver is 23 April, 2018.
DAO’s are requested to send all compiled (Merit based waiver, Freedom Fighter quota waiver) applications to the Office of the Controller of Examinations on or before 25 April, 2018 and all compiled (VC’s Special waiver) applications on or before 26 April, 2018.
Office of the Controller of Examinations is requested to submit these applications to the Office of the Registrar/Accounts Section after necessary verifications (Merit based waiver, Siblings waiver Freedom Fighter quota waiver) on or before 03 May, 2018 and to submit applications of VC’s Special waiver by 06 May, 2018. No application will be entertained after the deadline from any department / section.