Course Descriptions
Foundation Courses
ACN 501 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: The course helps students learn how accounting information are produced and used for decision-making in business firms. Topics include principles and process of accounting, preparation and analysis of financial statements, cost concepts and costing process, analysis and use of cost information for cost control, techniques of using of accounting data for management of operations and organization.
ACN 502 COST AND MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING: Concept and practice of cost measurement, standard costing and variance analysis, budgetary control systems, use of accounting information to support goal-setting planning and decision making. Also: current topics affecting the supply and the use of accounting information such as total quality management, just-in-item inventory methods, and the multinational environment, interactions between accounting measurement and management incentives. Prereq. ACN 501
BSN 503 MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION: Content and process of communication within organizations. Includes communication theory, impediments to communications within individuals, groups and organizations, and interpersonal communications styles. Focuses on written, verbal and visual media appropriate for communicating messages within organizational settings. Included are writing exercises, presentations, role plays, and peer review to provide feedback and develop skills in constructive criticism. Prereq. BSN 501
BSN 504 BUSINESS LAW: The course provides the students an orientation in the role of business related laws in decision-making and in dispensing managerial responsibilities. It includes both commercial laws such as contract, agency, sale of goods, negotiable instruments, insolvency, company law etc. and the industrial laws such as labor laws, payment wages, factories act, workman's' compensation, industrial disputes, trade union act etc.
MSC 501 MATHEMATICS FOR DECISION-MAKING: The purpose of the course is to help the students learn mathematical tools, which are used in management studies. The course includes element of algebra, number fields, linear and non-linear inequalities, functions, analytical model, logarithm limit, differential and integral calculus, matrix and linear programming.
MSC 502 BUSINESS STATISTICS: The course is designed to equip the students with statistical concepts, tools and techniques for use in business data analysis and decision-making. Methods of descriptive and inferential statistics are covered and include measures of central tendency and dispersion, time series analysis, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression analysis, and basics of non-parametric statistics and their application in the management decision process, Survey methods, sample design and sources of business statistics in Bangladesh are also covered.
ECN 501 Micro Economics: The course is designed to develop good understanding of what and how much a firm produce for profit maximization in the context of consumer demand, nature and structure of market. How households make decisions in the face of scarcity and how these decisions vary in response to changes in the economic environment. How firms make decisions in the face of scarcity and how these decisions vary in response to changes in the economic environment. How perfectly competitive, monopolistic, monopolistically competitive, and oligopolistic markets are organized and the outcomes of these markets
HRM 501 Human and Organizational Behavior: The course is designed to learn the dynamics of people and organization, models of organizational behavior, social system and organizational culture, work motivation, work attitudes, leadership, teamwork, empowerment, individual and interpersonal behavior, group behavior, and management of change.
MGT 501 Organization and Management: The course provides students with a comprehensive review on Organization and Management concepts and techniques in an understandable form. This course will also increase opportunities for the students to familiarize with the definition and purpose on Organization and Management issues e.g. Planning and Decision Making, eadership, Motivation etc. by viewing them from Management perspective.
Functional (Core) Courses
HRM 502 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: For practitioners and students interested in understanding the roles and skills involved in human resources management. Includes the nature and scope of traditional personnel functions as well as the role of the newly emerging personnel specialist dealing with changes in workers' attitudes, Expectations and education. Prereq. HRM 501
MKT 501 MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Conceptual and practical aspects of marketing decision-making provide insights into the marketing process, marketing environment and structure of marketing system. Topics include product, competition, demand, demand law, cost, distribution, promotion, organization research.
FIN 501 MANAGERIAL FINANCE: The basic principles of corporate finance, including valuation of securities, risk and return, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, working capital, financial statement analysis, and forecasting. Pereq. ACN 501
POM 501 PRODUCTION-OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: The major managerial problems and decision processes of production – operations management: design of operations, planning, scheduling, quality control, systems analysis and evaluation, resource allocation, materials management, materials requirement planning, and the integration of operations management with other functional areas. Prereq. MGT 501, MSC 501, MSC 502
MIS 503 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: Concepts of information systems used in business organizations for decision-making, strategic and operational planning, monitoring, controlling and business transaction Processing. Process of developing information systems and use of computer hardware and software re discussed. Topics covered include methods of database management, computer hardware and software, information models, DSS, ESS, Export System etc. Prereq. CIS 501, MGT 501
Capstone Course
MGT 502 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: A capstone course focusing corporate-level and business unit level strategy formation and implementation. Encourages a multifunctional "general Management" perspective requiring the integration and application of knowledge and techniques learned in earlier courses .Includes the relationship of organizations to their domestic and international environments, strategic leadership, formal and informal approaches to strategy formulation in uncertain environments, competitive analysis, the role of organizational structure and managerial systems in strategy implementation, mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of strategic decisions, and ethical and legal issues associated with the strategic management process". Prereq. All MBA Compulsory Courses