Entry Level Waiver for Bachelor's Program(Only for 1st semester)

SI. No GPA of SSC/Equivalent GPA of HSC/ Equivalent Tuition fee Waiver
HSC Diploma
1 4.00-4.49 4.00-4.49 3.50-3.74 10%
2 4.50-4.99 4.50-4.99 3.75-3.99 25%
3 5.00 5.00 4.00 50%
4 5.00 (all A+) 5.00 (all A+) 4.00 100%

After admission, 3% of the students will be offered full free studentship as children of freedom fighter.

Poor but meritorious students will be offered 10%-100% tuition fee waiver (after admission) based on performance at UAP. Only 3% of total seats are reserved for this waiver.

60% tuition fee waiver for 2nd sibling.

Merit Waiver (From 2nd semester onward)

SI. No Semester GPA Tuition fee Waiver
1 3.50 - 3.74 25%
2 3.75 - 3.89 50%
3 3.90 - 3.99 75%
4 4.00 100%

Top 3% students in each department will be offered 100% tuition fee waiver

Special Waiver

10%-100% VC's special tuition fee waiver for poor but meritorious students.